273. DICTATORS, "Master Race Rock"
Produced by Murray Krugman; written by Adny Shernoff
1975 Did not make pop charts
Quite simply, the Ramones before the Ramones--but richer.
As much as I love them, you don't listen to the Ramones for the lyrics; there aren't too many things that might slip by you if you don't pay attention. But the Dictators could slip some real whoppers by you if you weren't on the ball. I've included "pomo" in the subtitle of this project, but this may be one of the most postmodern tracks on here, up to and including the way in which it parodies early 70s guitar solos at one and the same time as it uses it to great dramatic effect. There's so much going on here that the allusions to Nazism are almost incidental--and how many late twentieth-century works of art can you say that about?
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